Friday, August 24, 2012


I am really not a huge fan of blogging. I love to read them, but write them...not really my style. My friend mentioned to me that it would be something cool I could keep up with and show my daughter years down the road. That got me thinking, should I?
Well, here I am.

To start off, David (my husband) and I found out late February that we were expecting our first child! Very exciting news!! I first went to the doctor around 8 weeks, where we got the hear the heartbeat. That was a definite relief, and made it more real that we were actually having a baby! Here is the first little sonogram picture. Can't see much, but she is there!

Since I started this so late- I am going to post about 6-7 months worth of stuff at once :)

Here she is at 12 weeks. This is one of my favorite sonogram pictures- she is sticking her tongue out. Such a fun her mother!

We found out at 18 weeks that we were having a baby GIRL! David and I already had a name picked out (after going through a long list of "maybes"), we finally decided on Karlie Brooke Smith.
We had a "reveal" party at Mark Deans and invited all of our family in friends. Becky made cake balls with strawberry cake inside, and everyone bit in at the same time. This was a lot of fun, and I will never forget how excited my Mom was :)

Here is a picture of me at 23 weeks. At this point I have gained 5 pounds.

We started to think about the nursery and what color themes we wanted to do. I had wanted to paint the walls green ever since we found out we were expecting. I do not know why green, but that is what it ended up being! We put up a chair rail, and painted letters and a frame to go above the crib. I think it turned out really good!

Around 28 weeks we went to a place called A Miracle to Behold. They do the 3D/4D sonograms. Our little pride and joy was being a little difficult the whole time. Kept having her hand over her face, or would not move much at all! I ate a cookie and drank a Diet DP on the way there, I thought that would be enough to keep her moving-- I was wrong! Here is a shot of her sucking her thumb, so sweet.

I am almost 31 weeks today. I am starting to feel a little tired again, and keep getting charley horses at night. Other than that, no complaints at all!
Karlie is moving around A LOT

My growing belly:

18 weeks: up 1 pound

22 weeks: up 5 pounds total

26 weeks: up 10 pounds total

29 weeks: up 12 pounds total

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