Wednesday, September 19, 2012

34 weeks and counting down

Well, it looks like Karlie could be a Halloween baby. I hope not, but if thats what she wants, then that is what she will get!!
At my last visit-which I was there waiting to see the doctor for over 3 hours- I was told that I have an aging placenta. This means that in some spots the blood flow is not as good as it should be to the baby. I will more than likey not go past my due date- which is fine with me, as long as she is healthy and it does not harm her. I was told it was nothing  I did, and nothing to worry about.
We will see what happens during the next few weeks!

Karlie is weighing in a 5lbs right now. This is about average for how far along I am (34 weeks).
She is head down, so no more worries with her being breech!

I have gotten everything ready for her newborn pictures that we are doing about 2 weeks after she is born. We have some really cute props and poses in mind for it!

Here are a few more pictures of her nursery. I still have some stuff I need to get to hang on the walls, but other than that- we are done!

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, mostly work pants and shirts
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: What sleep? Can't seem to get comfortable.
Best moment this week: Knowing that Karlie is not breech anymore
Miss Anything? Being comfortable in bed or on the couch
Movement: All the time
Food cravings: Nothing really. I have not had any cravings this whole time!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: Just Braxton Hicks contractions. Gearing myself up for the real thing!
Symptoms: Just nonstop bathroom trips.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? swelling yet
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! 
Looking forward to: Our little girl arriving!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Showered with gifts!

David and I are so lucky to have the people in our lives that we do. Family, friends, and co-workers have made this experience for us unforgettable.
We have had 3 showers total, one that was family/friends, one at my work, and one at David's work.

These are from the shower at Freese and Nichols (David's work). I should have took a picture of the amazing Mexican buffet they had for us. It was so good!! I love this cake, too!

Here are a few pictures (above) from the family/friend shower at Mark Deans. It was such a cute set-up. My step mom, Larissa made the little baby carriage out of cute!

And here are pictures from the one my work put together. We played a few baby games and had a lot of fun. 

I can not thank everyone enough for what they have done for us!!
We have everything that we need, and now we are just waiting for our little girl to arrive!!! 

32 Weeks:

Karlie is breech right now...pushing into my lungs and making it a little hard to breathe sometimes. I am hoping that she flips soon!
At night I wake up every once in a while to some sharp pains- I am assuming those Braxton Hicks transactions. They do not last very long, so no worries there!

14 pound weight gain so far- watch out now!