Thursday, October 18, 2012

38.5 Weeks

If everything goes as planned, Karlie should be here within the next week. I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow at 2, and we will schedule induction then.
I thought I was going into labor last night- was up with sharp pains that lasted for a while, but then eventually tapered off. What a bummer that was!
I better be dilated more after going through all of that pain!! I was really close to waking David up and saying "This is it"..then all of a sudden..they were gone!

Good news is that my sister is coming into town tomorrow. It is her birthday- and if we are lucky, maybe Karlie's too! Hopefully she will make an appearance sometime while Baylie is here, so she does not have to go back and forth.
Bad news is that one of my best friends, Mallory, just moved to Georgia this week. She will not be here for the birth, but gets to come back a week during Thanksgiving. Better than nothing, I suppose!

Here I am a little past 38 weeks..belly doesn't seem to be getting any bigger to me, but other people say they are able to tell that I have grown! She is still sitting very high, but I am sure she will drop a bit soon!

I did not want to take actual maternity pictures, so instead I went to Pinterest and found an idea for a cute pose that I could do at home. David was the photographer, and tied the I guess he gets all the credit. I think it turned out really cute. Once we know an exact day for induction I think I am going to put that on there instead of just "October, 2012". Either way I love it.

How far along? 38.5 Weeks
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, pants mainly. My shirts have fit pretty good this whole time.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Sleep really does not happen for me. I wake up with some pretty painful cramps, or to use the restroom a lot.
Best moment this week: Losing my mucus plug...just means she is closer!
Miss Anything? Being comfortable in bed or on the couch
Movement: Movement has decreased a bit, and I mostly feel it at night
Food cravings: Nothing really. I have not had any cravings this whole time!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have actually felt a little queasy the last few days..I hear that it could be a sign labor is nearing.
Labor Signs: Yes- cramping and some contractions- as well as losing my mucus plug.
Symptoms: Stomach hardening, and period like cramps.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: A little bit of both...depends where I am.
Looking forward to: Finding out tomorrow if I have dilated further, and when we are scheduling me to be induced.

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