Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Almost there..

We have now reached the 37 week mark. Karlie is considered full-term and can come anytime now. I hope that is the case, I am ready!
At my doctor's appointment today, I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. This is a change from last week (1cm dilated and 60%effaced). Karlie is weighing in at approximately 6lb 8oz.

I am going to do my best to have this little girl come on her own, but if she doesn't, we are scheduling induction for the week of October 22nd.

Here is the baby bump..
It is not the biggest thing you have ever seen, but it is getting there!
I have gained a total of 17 pounds at this point.

My Mom went and got Karlie's going home outfit this past week. It is sooo cute, I can not wait to put it on her!

I am still looking for a navy headband to go with it. Have not had any luck yet! You would think navy would be an easy color to find...well it is not!!

So with only 2-3 more weeks left...I am feeling anxious, and ready. My back has been killing me and I have a lot of pressure in my abdomen. Sleep is getting more difficult and I wake up so many times during the night. I guess it is just preparing me for those midnight feedings.

I was also told that Karlie has a whole lot of hair. When I was born I was the same way, and it was black. I bet that she will be the same!

I have had family and friends record their guesses on our little white board we have hanging on the fridge... everyone seems to have a guess that is only a week or so away from today pretty much. We will see who is right!! I do not go back to the doctor until the 19th for my next check-up, so fingers crossed she decides to make her appearance before then!

Message to Karlie:
Hurry up and get here, your Daddy and I are patiently waiting to meet you :)

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